Blogger Templates
This blog is the webpage for our local Peculiar Treasures club. We meet monthly for book discussion (Robin Jones Gunn books), games, fellowship and time to grow together in our walk as "God Lovers" and "Peculiar Treasures" (Exodus 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:)

As a service to others, I have decided to post our discussion questions for you to use. Look in the side bar for links to the questions. Check back each month as I will add books as we get to them. Just a warning, the questions include many spoilers if you haven't already read the books. So, if you don't want the story line spoiled for you, please read the books before you look at the questions!! I hope you find them helpful!
Feel free to add any additional questions that you think of to our comment boxes.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Christy

This year, for our Christy Miller birthday party, we gathered in the park for a picnic and fun.

Celebrating Christy's birthday with a giant cake!

Playing games like Splat and Pterodactyl. 

Ultimate Frisbee time!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Forever With You

Forever With You, Robin Jones Gunn's newest book and the first in the Christy and Todd Married Years series,  released this week. Reading it was like meeting up with old friends. It was wonderful to reconnect with so many familiar forever friends characters. For those who haven't read the older books in awhile, Robin artfully melded in flashback scenes to remind you of familiar stories. And for those of us who recently read and reread and reread again all the Forever Friends books while we anxiously waited for news about what is going on in their lives, we are not disappointed.

In this book, we follow Christy and Todd through a difficult and dark cloud of an unknown future while trusting that God has them in his hand and is forever with them. Through it all they remain faithful witnesses of God's promises, while still struggling as all humans do while faced with uncertainties and scary times. I enjoyed seeing Todd's familiar weaving of analogies and wonderful insights from his time digging in the Word. As I often am, when reading Robin's books, I was reminded of the beautiful word pictures of Rich Mullins.

Christy is so easy to relate to as she rides the  rollercoaster of dips and turns that life brings us. She remains a steadfast supporter and partner in marriage while navigating happiness, faith and trust, fear, anger, and forgiveness. There is definitely signs of growth and maturity in both Todd and Christy as they are learning to navigate marriage, family and life.

To be sure, though they are dealing with some hard stuff, it is not a downer of a book. It was fun and a joy to read. When your faith and trust is in the God who holds it all in His hands, you learn to find the joy and the sun shining through the darkness and find that God uses all things to work together for his good and that is definitely the case in this book. Todd and Christy definitely are examples of riding the waves with their heads up and making the most of the life that God has graciously given them.

I noted comments from readers and Robin on what brought joyful tears to their eyes. For me, it was the moment that Aunt Marti took marker in hand. And you will have to read the book to find out what that means. ;-)

I laughed, I smiled, I cried, I anticipated and now I anxiously await the next installment!

Click HERE for a sneak peak of chapter 1.

Order the book at Robin's Shop or your favorite book distributor. It is also available on many ereader formats. I have to admit, that I didn't have the patience for my hard copy to show up and ordered it on my ereader!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Exciting news from Robin!

Robin posted this video this week with exciting news about the new series. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April Meeting

April Meeting:

Friday, April 25, 2014
First Baptist Church of St. Charles

A Promise is Forever

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meeting reminder

Just a reminder that we will be meeting next Monday, April 21, to discuss the last book in the Christy Miller series, A Promise is Forever. Next month, before we start in on the Sierra Jensen series, we will read and discuss Robin's newest book Spoken For, which she co-authored with Alyssa Joy Bethke. I will have copies of the book available for each family at the April meeting. Let me know if you need one.

See you soon!

ETA: Looks like we will need to reschedule the April meeting. Too many scheduling conflicts that day. Will update when new date is settled upon.

Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are

Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are is the newest book by Robin Jones Gunn, author of the wonderful Christy Miller series, as well as Sisterchicks and many more. She co-authored the book with  the lovely Alyssa Joy Bethke. The story of how these two came to collaborate on the book is itself inspiring as we see how God orchestrated the timing and circumstances to get these important words on paper.

Robin and Alyssa both share from their hearts and experiences as they impart important truths about who we are in God's eyes and our worth to him. Both of these authors write not only to their audience, but to themselves, as they remind us that even in the broken times, even when it seems all is lost and we feel alone, that we are children of God. We are the Bride of Christ. We are Spoken For. In each chapter, they take turns sharing their stories. Stories of pain, and stories of hope and love. They share the words that God spoke to us in his precious Word to break down the lies of the enemy that are often so easy to believe and replace them with the truths that God wants us to know about ourselves.

As the chapter headings show us, they remind us that each of us is wanted, pursued, loved, have been called, are of great value, are peculiar treasures, are set free, are covered, promised and spoken for. Whether we are single, married, found Mr Right or are still waiting, no matter what our circumstances, these words hold true for all of us.

If you need reminding of how precious you are, how loved you are, how much our Lord and Saviour is pursuing you has His very own, this is the book for you. And who doesn't need to be washed continually in these beautiful truths? This book is a great encouragement. 

Listen here as Alyssa Joy Bethke shares her heart about this message:

Check out their blogs as they shares about the book: HERE and  HERE 

This book releases today! Please check it out because you are so precious and you are SPOKEN FOR!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Discussion Questions for Sweet Dreams

Christy Miller’s senior year is delicious, especially the time she spends with Todd. But her best friend, Katie, is struggling—she’s realized she needs to break up with Michael. It’s not easy! Fortunately both Doug and Disneyland help Katie to cheer up. Christy is learning to let go and get out of the way so that her friends can become who they’re meant to be...even when it jeopardizes her own sweet dreams. 

* Why was Christy's friendship with Katie stressed? What did Christy decide to do about it?

* Have you ever had a time when a friendship was struggling? What did you do?

*Why was Katie so surprised when Christy showed up at her car? Why did she react like she did?

*Have you ever had a time when God spoke clearly to you and you didn't like what he had to say? Have you ever been mad at God or thought He was unfair? What happens when we disobey God?

*What was Todd's advice to Christy about how to handle the situation with Katie? Was this good advice? How did it help Christy relate to Katie's problems? Have you ever had a time when you had to let go, stop trying and just wait for God to take care of things?

*Todd tells Christy that he always prays for her. How does this make Christy feel? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who prays for you?

*Have you ever tried to witness to someone and they just won't believe? Why does it seem like some people are easier to witness to? Why did Fred respond differently than Michael or Bob and Marti? Who really changes hearts?

*Why wouldn't Christy tell Katie to break up with Michael?

*Why do you think God didn't want Katie to date Michael?

*How did Michael react when Katie broke up with him the second time? Did he react like she expected him to? Why? How did it affect her witness to him?

*What was Todd's dream/call? Did Christy share the same dream? Did she think this was a problem? Do you think it was?

*What was Todd thinking about in the treehouse? Do you think his call was changing or did you think he was just getting a clearer picture of God's purpose for him?

*What did Todd tell Christy on the boat? Why did he react so strongly to her wanting to be with him?

*How did Todd get Bob and Marti to go to church? How did they react to the service? Where they able to receive the message? Why?

*The Pastor preached on Jesus's message that there is no greater love than when a man lays down his life for a friend and that we are truly Christ's disciples when we obey to the point of giving up what is most precious to us. How do we see this type of love acted out in this book? Do we see it in more than one scenario?

*What did Katie and Christy learn from the incident with the police officer about consequences? How did Christy apply that lesson to Katie's situation with Michael?

*What are Todd's thoughts on the prom? What do you think about that?

*What decision does Todd make about his future? Why do you think he made that decision? What did Christy do about it? Why? Do you think she did the right thing?

*Why didn't Todd want Bob and Marti to get too comfortable at the church?

*Is it always easy to do God's will? Are we spared from pain by doing the right thing? Does it always feel right? Why?

Friday, January 31, 2014

February Meeting

February meeting

February meeting cancelled due to lack of numbers.
We will discuss Sweet Dreams in March. 

Feb 17, 2014
Family Vision Library

We will be discussing 

Sweet Dreams
This is the 11th book in the Christy Miller series.
It is also found in Volume 4. 

We will celebrate Valentine's together with some snacks.
Please bring valentines for everyone!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Discussion Questions for A Time to Treasure

From the Publisher:  For Labor Day weekend, Christy Miller is on a houseboat at Lake Shasta. What could be better? She’s about to find out! Before they know it, both Christy and her best friend, Katie, are receiving some unexpected male attention. But somehow these best friends are at odds just when they should be having the most fun together. Christy soon realizes that sometimes you have to stand back and let people make their own decisions, even when they’re headed for a fall. And although life is never perfect, this is definitely a time to cherish.
  1. Why is Doug upset about Todd and Christy being a couple? Have you ever experienced a time where friendships changed when boys came into the picture? How did that feel? How can you ensure that there is a healthy balance between your relationship with your friends and with a boy?
  2. Katie begins to doubt God because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Have you ever felt like maybe God doesn’t have someone in mind for you?
  3. What happens when Katie finds someone who gives her attention? How does her relationship with God change? Why does she let that happen? For those who have read the Katie series, what do we know God has in plan for her? Why is it hard for us to wait for God’s plan?
  4. Later in the book, Todd tells Christy that there is value in everything that happens and not to have regrets. What value was there in Christy dating Rick? What value is there in Katie dating Michael?
  5. What advise does Todd give Christy about Katie? Can you think of a time when you had to watch a friend or someone close do something you thought was wrong or destructive? How did you handle it?
  6. What does Christy give to her dad? How did he respond? Have you ever thought of writing down your thoughts for a family member or friend to bless them?
  7. Why didn’t Christy like Fred? What did she learn as she got to know him more?  What happens when she reaches out to him? Often times those who bug us the most, are the people who need the most love. Can you think of anyone that reminds of you of Fred? Why do you think they might be that way? How can  you show love to them?
  8. Todd quotes C.S. Lewis and says “Anger is the fluid that love bleeds when you cut it.” What do you think of this quote? What does it mean? What do you think should be opposite saying? What flows from nurtured love?
  9. Why does Todd not share his innermost thoughts with Christy? What would happen if he did?
  10. Todd says he appreciates that Christy lets him take the lead in the relationship and does not come on to him. Why? Why is her innocence and modesty attractive? What happens when a girl flirts and pushes herself at a guy?
  11. What do you think it means to cherish someone or time together?
  12. Katie warns Christy that she might get hurt. Why does she say that? For those who have read farther, does this come true? Do you think Christy should have done anything differently? What value was there in what happened?
  13. What lessons did you learn from reading this book? Has it changed your perspective on anything?
  14. What was your favorite and least favorite parts of the book?
  15. What advise would you give to any of the characters?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Meeting

Our next meeting will be January 20th at 7pm at the Family Vision Library.

We will be reading A Time to Cherish. This is the 10th book in the Christy Miller Series. If you are reading the Volumes, it is the first book in the 4th Volume of Christy Miller.