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This blog is the webpage for our local Peculiar Treasures club. We meet monthly for book discussion (Robin Jones Gunn books), games, fellowship and time to grow together in our walk as "God Lovers" and "Peculiar Treasures" (Exodus 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:)

As a service to others, I have decided to post our discussion questions for you to use. Look in the side bar for links to the questions. Check back each month as I will add books as we get to them. Just a warning, the questions include many spoilers if you haven't already read the books. So, if you don't want the story line spoiled for you, please read the books before you look at the questions!! I hope you find them helpful!
Feel free to add any additional questions that you think of to our comment boxes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Discussion Questions for True Friends

1. What characteristics do you believe make a true friend?
2. What made Todd a true friend?
3. What made Katie a true friend?
4. Was Christy a good friend?
5. Do you want your friends to be as honest as Katie, even if what they say might be hard to hear?
6. Do you think you would do something like skiing, even if it wasn't your thing, for a friend?
7. Christy liked the quote from Constantine that says, "My Treasures are my friends." Do you agree?
8. Christy's youth group leader said, "Each of us is a missionary right where we are." How can you be a missionary where you are? What are some things you can do?
9. What did you think of Katie calling the ski trip a mission trip? How was it so?
10. What does it mean to be in the world but not of it?
11. Have you ever made a "hit list" of people to pray for and witness to? Think about who you might include.
12. Do you have trouble thinking of how to approach others with the Gospel like Christy did? Do you have suggestions to share with others?
13. Christy's youth leader had them thank God for something they never consciously thanked Him for. Can you think of something like that to thank Him for?
14. Have you ever been tempted to betray a friend just to fit in with the crowd?
15. How do you think you would have handled the situation with the girls on the ski trip?
16. Christy never specifically shared the Gospel with anyone in this book. Do you think she was a witness to anyone?  How does the way we live our life speak to others about God?
17. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of the book?
18. What lessons did you learn from this book?