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This blog is the webpage for our local Peculiar Treasures club. We meet monthly for book discussion (Robin Jones Gunn books), games, fellowship and time to grow together in our walk as "God Lovers" and "Peculiar Treasures" (Exodus 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:)

As a service to others, I have decided to post our discussion questions for you to use. Look in the side bar for links to the questions. Check back each month as I will add books as we get to them. Just a warning, the questions include many spoilers if you haven't already read the books. So, if you don't want the story line spoiled for you, please read the books before you look at the questions!! I hope you find them helpful!
Feel free to add any additional questions that you think of to our comment boxes.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Schedule

Due to scheduling conflicts at the church our summer schedule will be slightly different. Also, because we had to cancel last night's meeting due to the storms, we will adjust our reading schedule as well.

Dates for the summer:

June 24 7-9pm  Heart Full of Hope
July 27 (Saturday): 11:30am-2:30pm  Christy Miller's Birthday Party.
Details for the party are in the invitations that I will be mailing out. We will NOT be meeting at the church for the party.
August 26 7-9pm- True Friends

Summer Mission Project

This summer we will be taking part in a Read A Thon with Agape Outreach Missions to raise money for schools in E. Africa.

Dates for Read a Thon: June 1 - Sept 1
Start collecting pledges now!
Bring completed forms and pledges to the September meeting.

Forms have been sent out via email, but they can also be accessed at the Mission website.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Regarding the weather and tonight's meeting

 .KSDK Forecast 

Looks like we could have some bad weather tonight.
Due to the distance that some have to drive, if there is a severe weather alert anytime after 6:30 tonight, we will cancel the meeting. That would include Severe Thunderstorm and/or Tornado warnings or watches. We don't want to have people out in hail or otherwise bad weather.

But, if it is just raining, and there no alerts, the meeting will still be on. Hope to see you all tonight!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Chronological order of books.

Here is a list of books in chronological order. These books can be read in three book volumes or single titles.

Christy Miller Series

Vol 1
Summer Promise
A Whisper and a Wish
Yours Forever

Vol 2
Surprise Endings
Island Dreamer
A Heart Full of Hope

Vol 3
True Friends
Starry Night
Seventeen Wishes

Vol 4
A Time to Cherish
Sweet Dreams
A Promise is Forever

Sierra Jensen Series

Vol 1
Only You, Sierra
In Your Dreams
Don’t You Wish

Vol 2
Close Your Eyes
Without a Doubt
With this Ring

Vol 3
Open Your Heart
{Read the first book of Christy and Todd: The College Years here. Until Tomorrow)
Time will Tell
Now Picture This

Vol 4
Hold On Tight
Closer Than Ever
Take My Hand

Christy and Todd: The College Years
(Read books 2&3 now)
As You Wish
I Promise

Katie Weldon Series
Peculiar Treasures
On A Whim
Coming Attractions
Finally and Forever

Christy and Todd: The Married Years
Forever With You

Stand Alone Books
Love Finds You in Sunset Beach (Sierra)
Cottage By the Sea (Sierra has a cameo appearance)

Canary Island Song (Todd’s dad) *Actually takes place about the same time as Finally and Forever and  and probably best read before that book, but this book does not need to be read to read Katie. Also coincides with Forever With You.

You might also want to read

Departures (Anytime after Christy Book 11)
Christy Miller’s Diary (After the College Years & Katie books)

Several of the characters make appearances in the Glenbrooke series. The Sisterchick books also have familiar faces pop up. You never know who will show up in one of Robin's books!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Discussion Questions for A Heart Full of Hope

Why did Christy want a boyfriend so much? What was she looking for in a boyfriend?

Was Rick able to give Christy what she was looking for?

What were Alyssa’s concerns about Christy going steady?

Why is it important for God to be our first love?

Did you agree with Alyssa’s concerns and advice?

What do you think Christy’s father was concerned about when he said that he didn’t want her to “toss away her virtue too easily”?

Did Rick treat Christy with love and respect?

How did he treat her well?

What are some things he did that did not show honor and respect?

Why do you think Todd acted the way he did when he discovered that Christy was dating Rick?

Whey do you think Christy got a funny feeling in her stomach when with Rick?

Do you have any ideas about what a dream date would look like for you?

Why did Christy cry when Rick tossed the kites? What message was Robin trying to tell with the imagery of the tangled kites?

Why do you think Rick behaved the way he did with Christy and her family?

Why do you think Robin chose to include the two poems that she did? What do you think they were teaching us?

If you could give advice to the characters in this book, what would you say?

What were your favorite and least favorite parts of this book?

What lessons did you learn from this book?