Blogger Templates
This blog is the webpage for our local Peculiar Treasures club. We meet monthly for book discussion (Robin Jones Gunn books), games, fellowship and time to grow together in our walk as "God Lovers" and "Peculiar Treasures" (Exodus 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:)

As a service to others, I have decided to post our discussion questions for you to use. Look in the side bar for links to the questions. Check back each month as I will add books as we get to them. Just a warning, the questions include many spoilers if you haven't already read the books. So, if you don't want the story line spoiled for you, please read the books before you look at the questions!! I hope you find them helpful!
Feel free to add any additional questions that you think of to our comment boxes.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Discussion Questions for Island Dreamer

  1. What happened on the trip to Hawaii? Do you think Christy handled the situation well? What would you have done in that situation? Does the fact that "it all worked out in the end" justify the lies that Paula told? How might her lies have affected other people?
  2. Todd’s dad said that his life would be full of bridges and each bridge would come with a choice. He wanted Todd to always make his own decisions and then follow through on them, not because others influenced or persuaded him to make the choice. What were some of the “bridges” that any of the characters had to “cross” in this book? What are some examples of “bridges” that Todd allowed Christy to cross in this book or others in the series, without trying to influence her decisions. Can you think of any “bridges” in your life like this? Why is it important to make these decisions ourselves?
  3. Christy and Paula are best friends, but their friendship has changed and come upon some challenges since Christy moved away. Why is this? Have you ever grown apart from a friend like this either through distance of different life experiences? What was that like? Were you able to continue the friendship?
  4. Christy is eager for her friends to become Christians like she has. What did she learn about trying to help others become Christians? What is the best thing we can do for our friends as we wait for them to choose the free gift of Salvation that Christ offers us?
  5. What lessons can we learn from the missionaries that never gave up in the face of difficulties in Hawaii?
  6. Christy and Paula got to experience a lot of new things on this trip. They were faced with new foods, traditions and challenges. How did they handle these new adventures? Do you like to try new foods and go on adventures? What do you think of Christy’s decision to always eat whatever it says over the restaurant door.
  7. Have you ever thought about your future husband? Do you pray for him? Have you ever written a letter to him? How are you preparing yourself to be the best wedding gift for your husband? How do you think Christy’s letter helps her in her relationships with guys?
  8. Todd tells Paula to hold out for a hero. What does he mean? What did Christy and Paula learn about the best way to attract a guy? How does it affect boys when we flirt and tease them with actions or dress? What does that tell them?
  9. As Todd gazed at the lights of Molokai,  he realized that the closer he got to them the easier it would be to tell which one he wanted to end up at. He used this analogy to help him in making a big decision. What did he mean by this? Have you ever had a big decision that you needed more details and clarity to decide on? What kinds of things might help you make those kinds of decisions?
  10. Do you believe in "God Things"? What are somethings that happened in this book that might have been "God Things"? 
  11. Who did you relate to most in this book?
  12. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of this story?
  13. What is the most important lesson that you learned from reading this book? 
Thriving Family's Questions

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ministry Opportunties

Please visit these sites, look over their information and prepare to vote on which ministry we will support this year.We will be voting on a ministry at our meeting Monday, so please choose one that you would like to vote for.

Blood Water Mission
(This is a ministry listed at the back of On a Whim, the book where Katie and Eli fund the African water projects.)

Living Water International
Also listed in On A Whim

Compassion International
While the actual organization that the God Lovers sponsor children through is not named, Compassion is a good one. We would not need to sponsor a child, but could donate in other ways (provide birthday or Christmas gifts for children or add to the unsponsored children's fund for example)

Our Lady's Inn
A local Maternity home

Christian Surfers International