Blogger Templates
This blog is the webpage for our local Peculiar Treasures club. We meet monthly for book discussion (Robin Jones Gunn books), games, fellowship and time to grow together in our walk as "God Lovers" and "Peculiar Treasures" (Exodus 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:)

As a service to others, I have decided to post our discussion questions for you to use. Look in the side bar for links to the questions. Check back each month as I will add books as we get to them. Just a warning, the questions include many spoilers if you haven't already read the books. So, if you don't want the story line spoiled for you, please read the books before you look at the questions!! I hope you find them helpful!
Feel free to add any additional questions that you think of to our comment boxes.

Monday, November 18, 2013

December meeting

Instead of our usual meeting, we will be having a caroling party for December. This will include other friends as well as the more the merrier!

Please join us for a
Caroling Party!

December 16, 2013

The Outlaw Hideout
(Our Grandparents’ House)
Ask for address as I don't want it posted on the blog! 

Gift Exchange
Minute to Win It Games
Christmas Games

What to Bring:
Dress warmly for caroling
Please bring a treat to share.
A gift for the gift exchange.
(Gift should be inexpensive and appeal to boys and girls.)

We will provide:
Hot cocoa and fixings
Jingle bells and Music
Gifts for the houses we visit.

We need to know how many to prepare for so
Please call or email to let us know if you can come or not.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Discussion Questions for Seventeen Wishes

Seventeen Wishes
It’s summer, and that means the beach and other adventures. And Christy Miller’s best friend, Katie, is always full of ideas. They’ll be camp counselors! But when Katie can’t go, Christy is bewildered and overwhelmed by her fifth-grade girls, who have boundless energy for anything except what Christy wants them to do. Do they even hear a word she says? Soon they’re playing matchmaker between Christy and Jaeson, a handsome counselor...and he doesn’t seem to mind. When Christy’s seventeenth birthday arrives later in the summer, just what will she be wishing for?

  1. What was the jar for that sat on the shelf in the guys’ apartment? Have you ever sponsored a child in another country? If so, what are some things that you enjoy and have learned from that experience? What country do/did your children live in?

  1. Have you ever thought about having your own apartment and how you would decorate it?

  1. Christy thinks about the “invisible rope” that connects her to her parents and how, the older she gets, the more rope they let out and let her experience on her own. Do you ever feel like that? Does the rope seem confining or comforting to you? Or both? What kinds of rules do you have right now? How are they different from when you were younger or what older siblings have?

  1. Do you find it hard to fit in to a new group as Christy did at the God Lovers meeting?

  1. What rule did Christy almost break after the God Lovers meeting? Why was she tempted to break the rule? Have you ever been tempted to disobey a rule because it was awkward to go against the crowd? How did Christy’s friends help her? How will true friends behave when you try to do what’s right, even if it’s inconvenient?

  1. Why was Christy concerned for Katie? Why do you think Rick treated Katie as he did?

  1. How did the guys seem similar  to the different animals that they gravitated toward?

  1. Why do you think Todd seems to hold back in his relationship with Christy at this point? Why doesn’t he treat her romantically like Rick did? Why do you think Christy keeps wishing for more instead of appreciating him as Katie suggests?

  1. What does Todd mean when he says he won’t deliberately arouse a desire in Christy to he can’t follow through on honestly before God?

  1. What surprise did Christy get about camp? How would you have reacted to that surprise?

  1. Christy’s cabin girls responded positively to touch and positive attention. Christy also responded to these things from Jaeson. What does this tell us about the power of touch and attention? How can we use these for good? Can we sometimes give the wrong message with our touch or attention? How does this tie back into what Todd told Christy about why he takes things slow?

  1. What was the advise that Jessica gave to Christy about counseling her girls? What was the most important thing she could remember? Did Christy find this advice to be true?

  1. Do you think it was a good idea for Christy to try to have a camp romance with someone she would only know for a week? Do you agree with Jaeson that no one gets hurt if they both know it’s a game? What did Christy decided about this in the end?

  1. What is Todd’s blessing? What does it mean to love God above all else? Do you think you have that kind of love for God?

  1. What does Christy tell Sara about kisses? (p134)

  1. Christy felt that the ant attack was one of her worst experiences. Has anything like that ever happened to you? What was one of your worst experiences? Did anything good come from it?

  1. What did Dean Ferril suggest Christy do during her recovery time? Have you ever used a time of illness to draw closer to God and to pray? Robin tells about how she did this in a recent blog entry.

  1. What did Dean Ferril say Christy had accomplished during this week? Do you ever feel like you have failed at getting through to others about spiritual matters?

  1. What did Christy learn about her dreams and God’s dreams for her? (p 154)

  1. How does Christy tell Sara how to accept Christ? Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior? Do you have any questions?

  1. Robin, Katie and Sara accepted Christ at camp. Do you remember where you were when you accepted him as your Saviour? Who helped you to learn about salvation? How can we teach others about Christ? How did Christy teach the girls? What made the most influence in reaching her girls that week? 

  1. What was your favorite/least favorite part of this book?

  1. What lessons did you learn from reading this book?
Just for fun. Songs from the God Lovers meeting

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November Meeting

Monday, November 18, 2013
Family Vision Library
We will be discussing
Seventeen Wishes

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Important meeting information

Just a reminder that our October meeting is on Oct 28 at Great Skate from 6:30-8:30pm.

Also, starting in November, we will be meeting at Family Vision Library

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fall Schedule

Ok. After a trial run at the new meeting schedule of 4th Mondays, it seems that is not going to work, so I have asked to have our meetings back on the 3rd Monday. So, our next meeting will be Sept 16th.

However, in October, instead of meeting at our usual time and place, we will be meeting at Great Skate Roller Rink on Oct 28th, which is the 4th Monday. Hopefully that will work for most.

Here is the schedule for the Fall:

Sept 16, 7-9 pm Starry Night 
(Book 7 OR Christy Miller Volume 3: book 2)

Please turn in your Read a Thon pledge sheets and pledges at the September meeting!

Oct 28 6:30-8:30pm Great Skate Night ($5 entrance, $1 skate rental)

Nov 18, 7-9pm : Seventeen Wishes
(Book 8 OR Christy Miller Vol 3: Book 3)

December Date and Time to Be Determined: Caroling Party

Discussion Questions for Starry Night

Starry Night It’s Christmastime, and Christy Miller has so much going on: family time, work, and maybe, just maybe, going to the Rose Bowl Parade with a bunch of friends. If only she could answer Uncle Bob’s tough questions. Todd’s buddy Doug gives her some insight, and she starts to appreciate him in a whole new way. Rick Doyle shows up again...but is he pursuing Christy or the cutest elf at the mall? Through it all, will Christy find someone special to count the stars with?

* What did you think about Jon asking Christy not to say Merry Christmas to the customers? What did you think of Christy's response? Do you think you would have been brave enough to do the same? What was the result of Christy standing up to Jon? How was that a witness to him?

*Why does Christy get so upset about her family's plans for Christmas and Katie being able to hang out with her friends without her? Christy has learned not to behave poorly when things don't go her way. How did she learn that? How does that help her in the end? How do you behave when your parents don't agree to your plans?

*Why does Christy want to talk to Rick? What did she accomplish with her talk? Do you think it is possible for boys and girls to be friends after they have dated? What helps or does not help that to happen?

* Doug says that Christy is irresistible to others because of her love of God. Why do you think he said that? Why does that make her irresistible? Do you think he is right about Rick's response to Christy? Think about the image you portray to others. Do they know you love God? Do you stand up for your beliefs even when others may give you a hard time, like Jon and Rick? How do you think that makes others feel about you?

*Christy wondered what it was that made her and Todd close but her and Doug just friends. What do you think the difference is?

*In a world that doesn't believe that abstinence only education is realistic, do you believe it is realistic that a guy would not kiss a girl until their wedding day? What do you think of this standard? How would it make you to feel if your boyfriend waited till your wedding day to kiss you? How do you think it would make you feel to know that your boyfriend never kissed anyone but you? What is Todd's standard for physical affection? Why do you think he set that standard? How were Todd's kisses different than Rick's?

*Have you thought about your standard for physical affection?

*Think about how Rick and Doug handled Christy's relationship with Todd. How were they different? 

*Why do you think Rick was jealous of Todd?

*What do you think is happening with Rick and Katie? Why did Katie get upset about the talk about "virgin lips"?

*Todd said he was not afraid of anything in creation because he knew the creator. What did he mean by this?

*What did Todd mean when he said five of the surfers had laid down their weapons and surrendered to God?

*Why didn't Todd go the the competition after all his preperation? What did he say was the reason for going to Hawaii? What did he find more important: winning the competition or winning souls? What did you think of that? Have you ever been in a situation like that?

*Have you ever felt like God made a promise and then disappeared? What reminders does God give you to show that he is still there and will keep his promises? Do you find it hard sometimes to wait for God's timing? What promise was Todd having faith in? Why was it hard sometimes to trust in that promise?

 *At the beginning of the book, Robin dedicates the book to Rich Mullins, Margaret Becker and Bryan Duncan, who all wrote songs that helped inspire this book. Listen to this song by Rich Mullins and relate it to what you read in the book.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Discussion Questions for True Friends

1. What characteristics do you believe make a true friend?
2. What made Todd a true friend?
3. What made Katie a true friend?
4. Was Christy a good friend?
5. Do you want your friends to be as honest as Katie, even if what they say might be hard to hear?
6. Do you think you would do something like skiing, even if it wasn't your thing, for a friend?
7. Christy liked the quote from Constantine that says, "My Treasures are my friends." Do you agree?
8. Christy's youth group leader said, "Each of us is a missionary right where we are." How can you be a missionary where you are? What are some things you can do?
9. What did you think of Katie calling the ski trip a mission trip? How was it so?
10. What does it mean to be in the world but not of it?
11. Have you ever made a "hit list" of people to pray for and witness to? Think about who you might include.
12. Do you have trouble thinking of how to approach others with the Gospel like Christy did? Do you have suggestions to share with others?
13. Christy's youth leader had them thank God for something they never consciously thanked Him for. Can you think of something like that to thank Him for?
14. Have you ever been tempted to betray a friend just to fit in with the crowd?
15. How do you think you would have handled the situation with the girls on the ski trip?
16. Christy never specifically shared the Gospel with anyone in this book. Do you think she was a witness to anyone?  How does the way we live our life speak to others about God?
17. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of the book?
18. What lessons did you learn from this book?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Upcoming meetings

Don't forget that we are now meeting on the 4th Monday of the month!

August 26, 7-9 pm True Friends
Sept 16, 7-9 pm Starry Night 
Please turn in your Read a Thon pledge sheets and pledges at the September meeting!
Oct 28 7-9pm Great Skate Night

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Peculiar Treasure Girls at Christy's 2013 Birthday

We gathered today to celebrate Christy Miller's birthday with a Garden of my Heart tea party. We all had a delightful time!

Scroll down to the next post for more pictures from the party!

Tea party!

We had fun planning the menu for our Garden of the Heart tea.
We had a selection of teapots and tea.


Conversation hearts make us think of Christy and Todd!
What's a tea party without cucumber sandwhiches?

Flowers, butterflies and robin nests.

yummy fruit!

Cupcakes to go with our Garden of the Heart theme.

Have to have scones!

Pretty sugar cubes
Flower candy
Flowery heart shaped ice cubes for the lemonade.

The tea table.
Tea food!

Decorations for Christy Garden Tea party

Just a few of our decorations for the party.

The spinning flower was a big hit!

This makes us think of a story from the Glenbrooke series!

Christy party LEFT RIGHT Game

For our little gift exchange, I used this little story, adapted from one of Robin's books, to play a game. Whenever I would say left or right, the girls would have to pass the gift that they had in the appropriate direction. At the end of the story, they got to open the gift they were left with.

Christy’s birthday was RIGHT around the corner so she and Katie LEFT Escondido and headed RIGHT up the road to Newport Beach. On the way they had a discussion about why Katie’s parents thought  it was RIGHT for her to be LEFT behind when Christy went to work as a church camp counselor. Katie certainly didn’t think it was RIGHT! Christy tried to console Katie as she took the RIGHT exit and headed RIGHT toward Bob and Marti’s house. Katie looked RIGHT at her watch and realized they had LEFT a little to early and there was time LEFT before they needed to arrive. Instead of walking RIGHT into the house as they normally would do, Katie pushed on the doorbell to the RIGHT of the door. Suddenly, someone snuck up RIGHT behind Christy and pulled a pillowcase RIGHT over her head! They threw her RIGHT into the back of a truck and turned LEFT out of the drive. Christy could feel the truck turn LEFT around a corner and then anther LEFT and another LEFT before it turned RIGHT again in the drive and pulled to a stop. Christy could feel someone guiding her and she carefully placed her feet RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT and tried not to fall. She felt someone at her LEFT side before suddenly the pillow case was pulled RIGHT off her head again and RIGHT in front of her stood a grinning Todd with a cake full of pink sugar roses all over it! As Chisty looked to the LEFT and the RiGHT, she could see all her friends gathered on the patio to celebrate her birthday. It was just RIGHT!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Schedule

Due to scheduling conflicts at the church our summer schedule will be slightly different. Also, because we had to cancel last night's meeting due to the storms, we will adjust our reading schedule as well.

Dates for the summer:

June 24 7-9pm  Heart Full of Hope
July 27 (Saturday): 11:30am-2:30pm  Christy Miller's Birthday Party.
Details for the party are in the invitations that I will be mailing out. We will NOT be meeting at the church for the party.
August 26 7-9pm- True Friends

Summer Mission Project

This summer we will be taking part in a Read A Thon with Agape Outreach Missions to raise money for schools in E. Africa.

Dates for Read a Thon: June 1 - Sept 1
Start collecting pledges now!
Bring completed forms and pledges to the September meeting.

Forms have been sent out via email, but they can also be accessed at the Mission website.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Regarding the weather and tonight's meeting

 .KSDK Forecast 

Looks like we could have some bad weather tonight.
Due to the distance that some have to drive, if there is a severe weather alert anytime after 6:30 tonight, we will cancel the meeting. That would include Severe Thunderstorm and/or Tornado warnings or watches. We don't want to have people out in hail or otherwise bad weather.

But, if it is just raining, and there no alerts, the meeting will still be on. Hope to see you all tonight!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Chronological order of books.

Here is a list of books in chronological order. These books can be read in three book volumes or single titles.

Christy Miller Series

Vol 1
Summer Promise
A Whisper and a Wish
Yours Forever

Vol 2
Surprise Endings
Island Dreamer
A Heart Full of Hope

Vol 3
True Friends
Starry Night
Seventeen Wishes

Vol 4
A Time to Cherish
Sweet Dreams
A Promise is Forever

Sierra Jensen Series

Vol 1
Only You, Sierra
In Your Dreams
Don’t You Wish

Vol 2
Close Your Eyes
Without a Doubt
With this Ring

Vol 3
Open Your Heart
{Read the first book of Christy and Todd: The College Years here. Until Tomorrow)
Time will Tell
Now Picture This

Vol 4
Hold On Tight
Closer Than Ever
Take My Hand

Christy and Todd: The College Years
(Read books 2&3 now)
As You Wish
I Promise

Katie Weldon Series
Peculiar Treasures
On A Whim
Coming Attractions
Finally and Forever

Christy and Todd: The Married Years
Forever With You

Stand Alone Books
Love Finds You in Sunset Beach (Sierra)
Cottage By the Sea (Sierra has a cameo appearance)

Canary Island Song (Todd’s dad) *Actually takes place about the same time as Finally and Forever and  and probably best read before that book, but this book does not need to be read to read Katie. Also coincides with Forever With You.

You might also want to read

Departures (Anytime after Christy Book 11)
Christy Miller’s Diary (After the College Years & Katie books)

Several of the characters make appearances in the Glenbrooke series. The Sisterchick books also have familiar faces pop up. You never know who will show up in one of Robin's books!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Discussion Questions for A Heart Full of Hope

Why did Christy want a boyfriend so much? What was she looking for in a boyfriend?

Was Rick able to give Christy what she was looking for?

What were Alyssa’s concerns about Christy going steady?

Why is it important for God to be our first love?

Did you agree with Alyssa’s concerns and advice?

What do you think Christy’s father was concerned about when he said that he didn’t want her to “toss away her virtue too easily”?

Did Rick treat Christy with love and respect?

How did he treat her well?

What are some things he did that did not show honor and respect?

Why do you think Todd acted the way he did when he discovered that Christy was dating Rick?

Whey do you think Christy got a funny feeling in her stomach when with Rick?

Do you have any ideas about what a dream date would look like for you?

Why did Christy cry when Rick tossed the kites? What message was Robin trying to tell with the imagery of the tangled kites?

Why do you think Rick behaved the way he did with Christy and her family?

Why do you think Robin chose to include the two poems that she did? What do you think they were teaching us?

If you could give advice to the characters in this book, what would you say?

What were your favorite and least favorite parts of this book?

What lessons did you learn from this book?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Peculiar Treasures meet Robin

Some of us were able to travel to Southwest Baptist University on April 29 to hear Robin speak. It was delightful to hear her tell her story of her dream that wouldn't go away. We were able to talk with Robin, get pictures and have her sign books.

SBU Newsroom Article on Robin's Visit


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

May Meeting

Next Meeting:

May 20, 2013

We will be discussing
A Heart Full of Hope

Book 6 of the Christy Miller series
Also found in Volume 2:  Book 3

Monday, April 8, 2013

Skype Chat With Robin Jones Gunn

Thanks so much to Robin Jones Gunn for meeting with our book club tonight through the technology of Skype! We had a lovely chat with her.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Discussion Questions for Island Dreamer

  1. What happened on the trip to Hawaii? Do you think Christy handled the situation well? What would you have done in that situation? Does the fact that "it all worked out in the end" justify the lies that Paula told? How might her lies have affected other people?
  2. Todd’s dad said that his life would be full of bridges and each bridge would come with a choice. He wanted Todd to always make his own decisions and then follow through on them, not because others influenced or persuaded him to make the choice. What were some of the “bridges” that any of the characters had to “cross” in this book? What are some examples of “bridges” that Todd allowed Christy to cross in this book or others in the series, without trying to influence her decisions. Can you think of any “bridges” in your life like this? Why is it important to make these decisions ourselves?
  3. Christy and Paula are best friends, but their friendship has changed and come upon some challenges since Christy moved away. Why is this? Have you ever grown apart from a friend like this either through distance of different life experiences? What was that like? Were you able to continue the friendship?
  4. Christy is eager for her friends to become Christians like she has. What did she learn about trying to help others become Christians? What is the best thing we can do for our friends as we wait for them to choose the free gift of Salvation that Christ offers us?
  5. What lessons can we learn from the missionaries that never gave up in the face of difficulties in Hawaii?
  6. Christy and Paula got to experience a lot of new things on this trip. They were faced with new foods, traditions and challenges. How did they handle these new adventures? Do you like to try new foods and go on adventures? What do you think of Christy’s decision to always eat whatever it says over the restaurant door.
  7. Have you ever thought about your future husband? Do you pray for him? Have you ever written a letter to him? How are you preparing yourself to be the best wedding gift for your husband? How do you think Christy’s letter helps her in her relationships with guys?
  8. Todd tells Paula to hold out for a hero. What does he mean? What did Christy and Paula learn about the best way to attract a guy? How does it affect boys when we flirt and tease them with actions or dress? What does that tell them?
  9. As Todd gazed at the lights of Molokai,  he realized that the closer he got to them the easier it would be to tell which one he wanted to end up at. He used this analogy to help him in making a big decision. What did he mean by this? Have you ever had a big decision that you needed more details and clarity to decide on? What kinds of things might help you make those kinds of decisions?
  10. Do you believe in "God Things"? What are somethings that happened in this book that might have been "God Things"? 
  11. Who did you relate to most in this book?
  12. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of this story?
  13. What is the most important lesson that you learned from reading this book? 
Thriving Family's Questions

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ministry Opportunties

Please visit these sites, look over their information and prepare to vote on which ministry we will support this year.We will be voting on a ministry at our meeting Monday, so please choose one that you would like to vote for.

Blood Water Mission
(This is a ministry listed at the back of On a Whim, the book where Katie and Eli fund the African water projects.)

Living Water International
Also listed in On A Whim

Compassion International
While the actual organization that the God Lovers sponsor children through is not named, Compassion is a good one. We would not need to sponsor a child, but could donate in other ways (provide birthday or Christmas gifts for children or add to the unsponsored children's fund for example)

Our Lady's Inn
A local Maternity home

Christian Surfers International

Monday, January 28, 2013

February Meeting

Next meeting of the Peculiar Treasures Club will be :

February 18, 2013
We will be discussing
Island Dreamer

We are making posters featuring our favorite quotes from the books. You can make your poster with any kind of media, any size and using a quote from any of Robin's books. 

Future Meetings:

March 18: We will discuss Praying For Your Future Husband by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer
April 8: Skype meeting with author Robin Jones Gunn. No book assigned this month.
May 20: A Heart Full of Hope
June 24 (Date moved up due to FUEL trip): True Friends
July 27 (Saturday): 2nd Annual Christy Miller's Birthday Party. No book assigned this month.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Discussion Questions for Suprise Endings

1. What are some of the challenges that Christy faced in this book? Can you relate to any of them?

2. Todd memorized the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians in this book. The chapter that describes what real love is. What are some examples of this kind of love that we saw portrayed in this book?

3, In a future book, Christy makes a statement that Todd is not as perfect as everyone thinks he is. Can you think of some examples of areas where Todd could improve in this book?

4. What are some areas that Christy needs work on? Did she show improvement by the end? How?

5. Discuss the incidents that happened on the ice cream date. Both Todd and Christy were presented with situations that could cause jealousy. How did they handle those situations? What does the "love chapter" have to say about jealousy? What did you learn from this chapter of the book? What did Christy learn?

6. Christy helped Alissa without realizing how much her words meant. Does this encourage you to be a witness to those around you who may be making some bad decisions? How do our actions and examples encourage others?

7. Why did Christy give up her position on the cheer team? What kind of pressures and influences did she have that might have made that decision difficult? Have you ever had to make a hard decision like that in obedience to God?

8. Christy had a lot of people giving her advice and trying to influence her decisions. Who were some of these people and what were they trying to get her to do? Were they giving good or bad advice? How can we know who we should listen to?

9. Why do you think Todd took Jasmine to the prom?  Why did he believe that Christy would understand his decision to do so?  Do you think he should have taken Jasmine? What kind of relationship do Christy and Todd have at this point? Is it a healthy relationship?

10. How do you feel about the relationship that Rick and Christy had? Was it a healthy relationship? What was Rick's motivation for befriending Christy and encouraging her to go out for cheer and to go to the prom? Were his motivations pure?

11. What did Katie learn from her experience with the prom? What did Christy learn from Todd, Rick and Katie about proms and relationships?

12. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of this book? What is the most important lesson you learned from this book?

Thriving Family also has questions HERE.